Animated Logo
Video content in any form is now a proven method to promote your organisation. Research shows that video is at least 10x more effective than a static image or text.
A professional animated logo produced by Videolabz, will give your company the edge over the competition. Here’s why!
- An animated logo holds the viewers attention far more than a static one. If your company is utilizing video content, you are already ahead of the game. Brands that embrace video media demonstrate more success driving website conversions than those that do not.
- Animated logos are both more memorable and more recognizable to consumers than static logos. They help to increase brand awareness and that is why so many companies choose to animate their logos, simply because they are so memorable.
- Animated logos help you to tell your story. A well made animated logo can create a narrative in itself and put across a concept far better than any static image or text will.
Videolabz will animate your logo from just £30 inclusive. We will create a video sting that you can use, royalty free, across any medium you want.
We will work with you to turn your existing logo into a full video animation that you will be proud of. To find out more, simply complete the form on the right and we will get in touch. There is no obligation and if you don’t like what we make, then there will be no obligation to pay….only we know you’ll love your animated logo.
Have a look at the gallery below to see some examples of what we have done for just a few of our clients.
Don’t have a logo and only have a brand name? Don’t worry, we can animate that too!