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Other Services

Other Services

Videolabz offers a wealth of value-added services to enhance your online activity and even widen your activity to offline and more conventional advertising and marketing. Services include:

Paid Search

Paid Search is a growing area within Search Engines. Paid Search will give you a presence either above the Organic Search or to the right. These are normally on a shaded background but will get you a presence quickly. More like an advert, paid campaigns will help your business get results as your organic activity grows. We can run the campaigns for you or show you how to run them yourself. Either way you will have total control of the budget. We will help you research the best keywords, work with you to get the best title and body copy, understand the bidding process and ensure you have proper reporting so you can evaluate and manage the campaigns for the best return.

You Tube Channel

It is not just a case of creating a channel on You Tube. You Tube has become a sophisticated marketing channel. Whilst the majority of videos do not get many views, Videolabz techniques can get you high ranking on You Tube which in turn has a direct relation to Google and other Search Engines. UK research carried out by ComScore in March 2012, showed that You Tube videos accounted for 99.5% of all videos watched on Google sites. In January 2012 alone, 34.2 million internet users saw a total of nearly 8.4 Billion videos for 58.8 Billion minutes. The total time spent engaging with online video grew 42% in just 6 months. This data proves that online video viewers continue to become more and more engaged over time. Videolabz maximises that trend, creating a series of high quality, informative videos for your company that will generate more business.

Web Site Design & Construction

We want you to be the best and we want you to increase your turnover and profitability, so we will look at all of your marketing activity including your website itself. Whilst the design of a site is often subjective, there are very clear strategies one should employ and many that you shouldn’t. There are many web designers that can create a beautiful looking site and it may even have lots of functionality that will blow your mind, but can you be sure that your designer has the knowledge to make sure your site can be seen by the search Engines and not only be seen, but reach the top? Additionally we know many designers that can produce functional websites but that lack the friendliness and personality that sets your site apart from the rest. So our web design team work closely with our copywriters and search teams to ensure that what we produce not only is bespoke and relevant to your business, but also is easy for users to navigate through and can be picked up and rated highly by the search engines. Videolabz is virtually unique in having all these areas of expertise under one roof.

Blog & Squeeze Page Creation

Blogs and Squeeze pages are powerful ways of getting messages across and Search Engines love them, however, like everything online these days, there is an art in getting them to work properly for your business. Strong and relevant links, good content, regular updates and relevance are all key to engaging with your audience and ensuring they are benefiting your company and pushing you up the Search rankings. interestingly if you get any of these elements to good Blogging wrong, the opposite effect can happen and you can even be blocked by search Engines. Blogs speak directly to users and allow them to interact. they allow you to talk about what is happening in your industry and your company specifically. So they increase your visibility online. It goes without saying that you must have the best copy, written in a professional and conversational way so readers quickly get the salient points. of course optimisation of Blogs is key. Videolabz can manage all these elements for you. Using our expert copywriters, strategic search team and designers, we can create effective Blogs for you or set you up with a template and teach you the best way to maximise and have an effective blog. Squeeze pages are used more for promotional activities or emails but have a similar effect as Blogs.

 Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest…..

You have probably noticed that many big brands are including Facebook ‘Likes’, Twitter feeds and other social networking activity as part of their campaigns. This is no mistake or fun activity from the brand. It is a clear strategy by them to get us all to engage more with these sites, because the Search Engines are now using these links as a measurement to improve your ranking on the main Search Engines. it is therefore vital that you not only have these techniques as a part of your overall marketing campaign, but that they are set up and run correctly and in line with the criteria set out by the Search Engines. No two Social Media campaigns are the same, so we pull our design, search and strategic teams together to create the best and most bespoke, integrated social campaign that will build likes, get users to interact and get people talking about your products, services or company.

Scripting & Copywriting

Copywriting is an art…that’s why there are Copywriters. With online that definition goes further. Writing copy for online is different for hard copy and different for every aspect of online. First and foremost copy must be written with Search Engines in mind. The Algorithms and Spiders that the Search Engines put out look for specific words on web sites, in blogs and now even in videos. they not only look for the words, but where they are, how often they are repeated and in what context they are used. So the content needs to be written with these things in mind but not forgetting how important it is to get your business over to your users in the most effective way possible. Our creative team and copywriters will work directly with you tio achieve the best possible results for your organisation.

Planning & Buying

Videolabz expertise in the media world is extensive. We have dealt with digital advertising agencies at all levels and continue to do so. Our ability to buy media on and off line at really low and effective rates is unsurpassed. Speak to us about running or helping you to run your media campaigns. We can analyse your activity and ensure you are getting the best value for your money.

Tracking & Reporting

Videolabz reporting is designed to give you the information you need to make informed judgments about your campaign and to monitor the response you are getting. Provided in simple easy-to-read formats. You can instantly see what is what and what is working best where. We can give you as much granular detail as you want. Of course each report will be dependent on the bespoke campaign you are running. Videolabz will not only provide you with information on your own campaign but report intellion digital trends and specific to your industry so you will see what your competition is doing too.